The Morning Routines of Successful People

How Daily Harvest changed the way I start my day

There are two types of people in the world: the risers, who hit the ground running at the first whisper of their alarm clock, and the snoozers, who prefer to hit their favorite button a few times as they slowly wind themselves up for the day. I am a riser. I always have been. For me, mornings are delightful, the rising sun a source of boundless energy and optimism. My boyfriend on the other hand is a maximum snoozer. He has a tendency to delay the inevitable moment of awakening to the last possible moment, working his alarm to the point of exhaustion, when the whispers become shrieks so loud that I wonder if he is the only one in the neighborhood left to acknowledge them. I often give him a hard time for this lifestyle choice he seems so attached to but, if I’m being honest, mornings can actually be a struggle for me too, albeit in a different way.

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