WTF Is Going On With The Post Office
WTF Is Going On With The Post Office?
You probably know by now that the post office is in a lot of trouble. But, why should we care? I wanted to cover a little bit of history and fun facts that you probably didn't know.
For example:
Do you know who the first postmaster general was?
Did you know that USPS is OLDER than the United States of America itself? I’m not kidding.
In this video I will try to give you an overview of wtf is going on right now with the postal service crisis and what you can do to make sure that, no matter what happens between now and November 3, your vote is counted this election!
Your Easy Voting Guide:
To Know HOW To Vote:
Vote in person if you can, otherwise send your mail in ballot back as early as you possibly can.
Register to be a poll worker. It’s probably the single most important thing you can do to have a real impact. Just you alone could be the reason why dozens, if not hundreds, more people can vote.
To Know WHAT To Vote:
I use Know Your Vote. Their website gathers all the info I need to make an informed decision on the issues that matter most to me.
Be prepared for a weird AF election. It IS possible that we won't know the winner on election night. Don't get hysterical. It doesn't mean that the election was fraudulent. It just means that the ballots are taking a little longer than usual to get where they need to go. So stay calm and vote!
This is the interview I refer to in the video - Trump seeks to starve post office to limit mail-in voting via Fox News
Fact Check: via NPR
Myth vs Fact: Vote by Mail via CEEP
How to Help the Post Office: via Fast Company
The Postal Service is in Deep Trouble: via Politico
OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say?: A Non-Boring Guide to How Our Democracy is Supposed to Work
Text Voter Nathalia or visit Headcount to check your registration status and order your mail in ballot.