WTF Will Schools Reopen?

Are kids going back to school in the fall? ⁣

That’s the question on everyones mind right now. I spoke with my good friend and educator, Lindsey Grossman, about what’s happening in the education community, the challenges of virtual teaching and learning and the importance of building community in childrens well being. ⁣ ⁣ Lindsey says not having kids in school is “detrimental.” Not only for them, but society as a whole. However, there are many things that will need to occur before she, and many other educators and parents, can feel safe to have kids back in the classroom. ⁣ ⁣ If you’re a student who is concerned about what the next few months hold for you, this video is for you. The most important thing you can do during this time, is to “advocate for yourself.” This is a tough time for everyone and we need to be there to support one another more than ever. ⁣ ⁣ I want to thank Lindsey for giving me her time and invaluable insight into this most crucial discussion.

You can find Lindsey on her website ⁣and on 𝗳𝗯 at LGTutoringBK⁣


2:00 - On switching to virtual teaching
3:30- "Hybrid" classroom explained
4:37 - On what it would take to feel safe
5:40 - Students who lack access to internet
6:30 - Funny stories of virtual teaching
8:10 - Building community online
8:40 - Explanation of the Teacher Union vs White House
9:50 - On Major League Baseball
10:37 - Lindsey's advice to students ⁣

Citations + Additional Reading:

How Can Schools Open Safely? NY Mag

NY Has Lowest Infection Rate : Reuters

Cuomo Announces Schools Can Reopen: NY Governor

The Digital Homework Gap: Pew Research

Fall Reopening Explained: The Cut

Teachers Union Strike: ABC

MLB: Forbes